Aircraft Data: Antonov An-148-100


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Aircraft Data


  • About Aircraft Data:
  • ch-aviation Aircraft Data offers access to our extensive fleet database with over 75,000 aircraft currently being tracked
  • With weekly updates, we ensure that the ch-aviation fleets database is the most current and reliable in the industry
  • ch-aviation Aircraft Data can be downloaded (Excel, CSV, JSON)



  • Get access to:
  • General aircraft info (C/N, MSN, Hexcode, IATA Code, Manufacturer, Production Line, Aircraft Family/Type/Model/Variant/Role, MTOW (kg/lb), etc.)
  • Aircraft operator info such as operator continent, country, type, base, former and future operator, ACMI customer, IOSA certification, etc.
  • Aircraft status info such as active, stored, written off, scrapped or not yet delivered, aircraft age, location, first flight, delivery dates, etc.
  • Engine details such as engine manufacturer, engine family, engine master series, engine type, engine subtype, number of engines, etc.
  • Seat configuration data, including max abreast, pitch, in-seat video, and inflight connectivity info
  • Aircraft ownership data, including data on aircraft owners, managers, registered trusts, and SPVs
  • Aircraft lease-end dates, including market lease rate, current market value, lease-end date, lease-end date type, retirement date, retirement date type, future operator date in, future operator date in type
  • Aircraft availability provided by (lease, sale, or ACMI) 
  • Aircraft operator history for all active aircraft and all inactive from 2000 to present day
  • Aircraft orders data, including order entity, order date, order cancellation date, etc.
  • Aircraft utilisation data, including flight hours and cycles, average stage length, daily/annual utilisation, forecasted cycles, estimated/forecasted
  • Aircraft orders placed with the following manufacturers: Airbus, Airbus Canada, ATR, Boeing, Cessna Aircraft Company (SkyCourier), COMAC, De Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Embraer, Ilyushin Design Bureau, Ilyushin,Yakovlev, Viking Air & Tupolev Design Bureau.


  • Search by:
  • Geographical Location (Operator Continent, Operator Country, Operator Region, Aircraft Register, Aircraft Location)
  • Operator (Operator Name, Operator Type, Delivery Customer, Future Operator, Wetlease, ACMI Customer, Cargo Customer, Regional Partnership, IOSA Certification)
  • Aircraft Type (Market Group, Manufacturer, Production Line, Aircraft Family, Aircraft, Aircraft Type, Aircraft Model, Aircraft Variant, Aircraft Role)
  • Aircraft (Registration, Fleet Number, Line/Serial Number, Block Number, Hexcode, Status, Substatus, Availability, MTOW)
  • Dates (Date Built, Delivery Date, Date In, Projected Retirement Date, Stored As Of, Write off/Scrapping Date
  • Orders (Order Entity, Order Date, Order Cancellation Date)
  • Seating (Cabin, Number of Seats, Max Abreast, Pitch in, In-Seat Video, In-Flight Connectivity)
  • Engines (Manufacturer, Engine Type, Engine Subtype, Engine Family, Engine Master Series)
  • Ownership (Aircraft Owner/Manager, Ownership Type, Owner/Manager/SPV/Registered Trust, Operating Lease End Date, Current Aircraft Market Value, Market Lease Rate)
  • Utilisation (Flight Hours, Flight Cycles, Avg. Stage Lenght, Avg. Daily Utilisation TTM, Avg. Annual Hours, Avg. Annual Cycles, Avg. Daily Utilisation, Forecast)
  • Update Type/Update Period