To access detailed data on 81,000+ commercial aircraft worldwide, a subscription to Commercial Aviation Aircraft Data is required.
About Commercial Aviation Aircraft Data:
Commercial Aviation Aircraft Data offers access to our extensive fleet database with over 81,000 aircraft currently being tracked
With weekly updates, we ensure that the ch-aviation fleets database is the most current and reliable in the industry
Commercial Aviation Aircraft Data can be downloaded (Excel, CSV, JSON)
Get access to:
General aircraft info (C/N, MSN, Hexcode, IATA Code, Manufacturer, Production Line, Aircraft Family/Type/Model/Variant/Role, MTOW (kg/lb), etc.)
Aircraft operator info such as operator continent, country, type, base, former and future operator, ACMI customer, IOSA certification, etc.
Aircraft status info such as active, stored, written off, scrapped or not yet delivered, aircraft age, location, first flight, delivery dates, etc.
Engine details such as engine manufacturer, engine family, engine master series, engine type, engine subtype, number of engines, etc.
Seat configuration data, including max abreast, pitch, in-seat video, and inflight connectivity info
Aircraft availability (lease, sale, or ACMI)
Aircraft order data, including order entity, order date, order cancellation date, etc.
Aircraft orders placed with the following manufacturers: Airbus, Airbus Canada, ATR, Boeing, Cessna Aircraft Company, COMAC, De Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Embraer, Antonov Design Bureau, Ilyushin, Irkut, Tupolev Design Bureau, Fairchild Dornier and Viking Air
Aircraft utilisation data, including flight hours and cycles, average stage length, daily/annual utilisation, forecasted cycles, estimated/forecasted