American Airlines (AA, Dallas/Fort Worth) has deferred the deliveries of ten of its 30 remaining firm-ordered B787-9s, originally due in 2024 and 2025, to 2028 or later, according to the carrier's quarterly report. The airline currently expects its first A321-200NY(XLR) in December 2024.
American currently plans to add seven B787-9s instead of the previously planned 11 in 2024 and four instead of ten in 2025.
"We continually evaluate delivery schedules with our manufacturing partners and make adjustments as necessary based on our aircraft needs. Deliveries of our new B787-9 aircraft are still scheduled to begin in 2024, but we have adjusted the delivery schedule to better align with anticipated demand and our growth plans," the airline told Cranky Flier.
American currently operates thirty-seven B787-8s and twenty-two -9s from two orders: the first twenty -8s and all so far delivered -9s were contracted in 2013. In 2018, the carrier added a further seventeen -8s (which have all already been delivered) and the 30 yet-to-be-delivered -9s.
Meanwhile, the View from the Wing blog reported that Senior Vice President (Network Planning) Brian Znotins told staff during an internal meeting that the first of fifty firm-ordered A321-200NY(XLR)s is currently scheduled for delivery in December 2024 with a further fifteen due in 2025. According to the current schedule, deliveries will conclude by the end of 2027, with the majority of aircraft due in 2026.
American Airlines aims to use its A321neo(XLR)s on trans-national routes currently served by premium-configured A321-200s, secondary transatlantic services, to extend seasonal routes to year-round, and to increase frequencies on some services currently operated with widebodies.
The ch-aviation fleets module shows that American's current A320neo Family fleet comprises seventy A321-200NX (with four more on order from Airbus) and five A321-200Ns acquired from Alaska Airlines (with five more due).