Awesome Cargo (A7, México City Felipe Angeles) has petitioned the US Department of Transportation for authority to operate scheduled cargo flights to the United States from Mexico, ch-aviation research has revealed.

The Mexican cargo carrier is looking to open up ten scheduled routes from México City’s Felipe Ángeles and Guadalajara to Los Angeles International, Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami International, Chicago, and New York, respectively.

Awesome Cargo already has a US foreign charter permit which became effective on July 2.

The ch-aviation fleets module shows that Awesome Cargo’s fleet comprises two leased A330-200 Class E-converted freighters with no full-sized cargo door. However, earlier this year, it said it was considering leasing two B737-800 converted freighters from BBAM to start charters to the United States. This has not yet taken place.

Awesome Cargo (legal name TM Aerolineas S.A. de C.V.) is a private corporation, almost exclusively owned by Luis Ricardo Ramos Landero, who has all but one of the voting shares. Ramos Landero is the father of Luis Ricardo Ramos Cabrero. Both have extensive experience in the Mexican cargo industry, including running AeroUnion (6R, México City International).