Aeroméxico (AM, México City International) has secured a USD200 million three-year syndicated loan from BBVA México, marking the return of the carrier to the Mexican banking market.

BBVA México participated as the sole coordinator, bookrunner, and agent banker in the structuring and syndication of the loan, it said in a statement.

“With this agreement, Aeroméxico obtains liquidity for its ordinary operations, which will allow it to allocate the resources and profits generated in previous years to new investments and objectives aligned with its business plan,” the bank declared.

In the years following Aeroméxico's Chapter 11 restructuring, the carrier intends to invest in expanding its fleet and improving the product and customer experience, the airline said in a US Securities and Exchange Commission filing last month, adding that it plans to increase its fleet size by 18% between 2024 and 2025.

Additionally, parent entity Grupo Aeroméxico is looking to list on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and raise up to USD300 million in an initial public offering (IPO).

Aeroméxico declined to comment on the story.

In the first half of 2024, Grupo Aeroméxico reported a total revenue of USD2.69 billion and a net income of USD346.7 million. The company underwent a Chapter 11 reorganisation in 2020, from which it emerged in early 2022. It delisted its shares from the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores -BMV) in December 2022.