Solomons - Solomon Airlines (IE, Honiara) has resumed full international and domestic operations following the devastating flooding which struck the Solomon Islands last week. Speaking from Solomon Airlines’ head office in Honiara, CEO, Captain Ron Sumsum said floodwater-borne debris blocking the runway at Honiara has been cleared and, following safety checks, the airline has recommenced full operations.

“This devastating event was obviously something completely out of our control,” Captain Sumsum said.

He said the airline’s Airbus A320 will also play a role in flying in much needed emergency equipment, food and other supplies required to assist the thousands of islanders affected by the natural disaster.

The airline’s pair of Dash 8-100s, Sumsum said, are flying in emergency aid and helping to maintain vital linkage with the Solomon's outer islands also badly affected by a 6.1 earthquake which struck the region earlier this month.