HK Express (UO, Hong Kong International) has unveiled the first of sixteen A321-200NXs it will receive over the next two years. At a March 29, 2023, media event in Hong Kong, the airline debuted B-KKA (msn 11184), which had ferried in from Hamburg Finkenwerder via Dubai World Central three days earlier. The jet subsequently made its commercial debut on April 2 on a return sector to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi.

HK Express CEO Mandy Ng said that "the upgrade marks another milestone in our history as we continue to expand our footprint in Asia, while remaining committed to modernising our operations for a better and more sustainable future. The delivery also demonstrates our confidence in the Asian market, with Hong Kong making a full comeback on the global stage."

With the addition of B-KKA, HK Express now has 27 aircraft in its fleet, including five A320-200s, ten A320-200Ns, and eleven A321-200s. The airline expects to take delivery of the remaining fifteen A321-200NX between now and 2025, with two more due to arrive this year. HK Express is a subsidiary of the Cathay Pacific Group.

Meanwhile, Ng added that HK Express is recovering well from the pandemic and the longtime closure of Hong Kong's borders. She said there was a "strong growth trajectory" for leisure travel in Hong Kong, mainland China, and across the remainder of Asia. HK Express flight frequencies were running at 80% of pre-pandemic levels in February and she expects the carrier to hit 100% in 2Q 2023. By the start of the Northern Hemisphere 2023 summer, Ng says the airline's flight frequencies should be exceeding 2019 levels. HK Express is now flying to 25 destinations in seven countries from its Hong Kong base, including to Thailand, South Korea, Viet Nam, Japan, Singapore, China, and Taiwan.