Indonesia's Sriwijaya Air Group has confirmed it has taken delivery of its first of six ATR72-600s, the first ATR - Avions de Transport Régional (EVX, Toulouse Blagnac) equipment in its fleet.

PK-NYY (msn 1128) arrived in Southeast Asia on Monday, July 3, for placement with the group's NAM Air (IN, Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta) unit. A press release said the remaining five aircraft are due by year-end and, collectively, will be used to develop feeder flights between Indonesia's major cities and remote towns in regions such as Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Java. Among the ATR72-600s initial duties will be to connect districts in Papua, to the towns of Sorong Domine Eduard Osok, Biak, and Jayapura. The Sriwijaya Air (SJ, Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta) unit last year announced it would acquire a total of twelve ATR72-600s sourced from lessors and the Malaysia Aviation Group.

NAM Air also operates seven B737-500s as well as an ATR72-600 (wet-leased from TransNusa (8B, Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta)) on scheduled passenger flights to thirty-eight destinations across Indonesia.