Vistara (Delhi International) took delivery of its first A321-200NX on July 23, 2020, after VT-TVA (msn 9297) was ferried to Delhi International from Hamburg Finkenwerder. Powered by CFM International LEAP-1A engines, the A321neo is outfitted in a three-class layout with 12 lie-flat business class seats, 24 premium economy seats, and 152 economy class seats. All passengers will have access to individual in-flight entertainment screens as well as in-flight internet connectivity.
While Vistara has yet to schedule any A321neo operations, it said that the type was "intended for use on short to medium-haul international routes or destinations within seven hours of flying time".
The Indian full service carrier's current fleet consists of thirteen A320-200s, twenty-one A320-200Ns, six B737-800s (taken over from Jet Airways (Mumbai International) and due to be retired as more Airbus narrowbodies are delivered), and a single B787-9. As of June 30, it had a further thirteen A320neo and five B787-9s on orders from the respective manufacturers, although its fleet plan also foresees multiple deliveries from lessors.
Vistara is a 51/49 joint venture between Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines Group.