Airline Route Data
- About Airline Routes Data:
In collaboration with OAG, we offer you access to the routes and schedules of the vast majority of scheduled airlines in our database
Our route database is updated weekly and covers over 810 carriers and approximately 107,000 routes
The most recent Route Network Changes are displayed directly on the airline profile, with the option to search for older records
- Get access to:
- A weekly summary of all network updates included in the ch-aviation newsletter
- A comprehensive airline route database that displays who flies where
- Search by:
Origin (Continent, Country, Subdivision, Metro Group, Airport)
Destination (Continent, Country, Subdivision, Metro Group, Airport)
Aircraft (Market Group, Manufacturer, Aircraft Family, Aircraft Variant, IATA Type)
Operator, Alliance, Service Type, Flight Type
Return Flights, Non-Stops Only, Codeshare Flights, Wet-Lease Flights