Maldivian (Q2, Malé) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the financing of three new ATR42-600s already ordered from ATR - Avions de Transport Régional.

The state-owned company expects to take the first of the three aircraft in December 2024, followed by the other two in August 2025 and October 2026. The leases will be for at least 15 years.

The RFP is open to banks, lessors, aircraft owners, and other financial institutions but not to brokers or any other intermediaries. Interested parties can offer finance for any number of aircraft and do not have to bid for all three leases. Offers are due by August 29, 2024, and have to be denominated in US dollars.

"Lessor and IASL shall mutually agree on a delivery and re-delivery location, giving consideration to any tax consequences etc. Preference will be given to locations close to Malé," the carrier said.

The airline announced the order with the French manufacturer in February 2024. The three ATR42-600s will join a pair already operated by Maldivian alongside two ATR72-600s used on its domestic network. Maldivian's fleet also comprises one inactive DHC-8-200, one DHC-8-Q200 (operated as a medevac aircraft for the government), seven DHC-8-Q300s, eleven float-equipped DHC-6-300s, and one A320-200. The airline will shortly add its first widebody, an A330-200.